Sunday, November 9, 2008


So last night I attended my first redneck party, literally- it was a White Trash Birthday Party. Now at first I was a little hesitant to go, I was exhausted from the nights this week with Mr. Ex (and sorry guys still no details on my dating life… I know those are often a good read, and Mr. Ex is always good for a few stories. But for now I’m keeping that part of my life off line) and I still haven’t been home in days so except for 2 little black dresses and some dirty laundry in my car I had nothing to wear out to a redneck party. Luckily friends coming over to play rock band brought a few redneck essentials and I was ready to go. The loverly outfit comprised of: Mini Skirt, Tube top that read- Berry Delight and tied up the back like a corset, A beat up straw cowboy hat and then the truly amazing piece, a beer coozie from a campground in Lebanon, Missouri with a rainbow strap to wear around my neck- and inside my beer coozie was a can of good old Milwaukee Schlitz.

So off I headed to the party, already feeling good after some Rock Band (Dude I got a 99% finally, ok maybe it was on easy but hey I still rock!) and an entire bottle of Champagne all to myself (I might have looked like TPT but I am all class baby!)… The ironic part of the party is that it was held in Van Nuys in a house that was all White Trash to begin with (even complete with a trailer in the driveway!) and as soon as I entered I felt like I was entering a frat house in Texas (or maybe even SDSU because I remember a few of those parties from my youth!)… The first thing that caught my attention was the whiff of pot and the bong that was literally the size of my leg! The only downside of the evening is at the site of the bong I whipped out my cell phone to text message someone only to realize the worst part of ending relations- you no longer get to text message them when you see things that they would love… but onward and I upward I headed, literally since I then did my first Keg Stand. And I have to say, I pretty much rocked it. Rocked it like only a 19 year old Frat Brother can!

After a loverly beer shower and a game of beer pong I bellied up to the bar with my White Trash food: Tater Tots in a bowl as if they were chips, mini hot dogs in a blanket, cupcakes and a chili and queso dip. I was in HEAVEN. And after passing around the Jack Daniels bottle for shots straight out of it, I realized that maybe I do have a little redneck deep down inside me after all :)

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