Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Be careful what you click for

Mr. FB's new tattoo.
All day yesterday I was getting picture messages from Mr. FB with his new tattoo… now I have my own opinion of it, one that I’ve really tried to hide from him but I will let you decide that one for yourself. But needless to say I was done looking at the tattoo. So when I got a new im I just clicked the accept image and went about my business. For about 5 minutes I chatted with a co-worker, answered my phone, made notes and just fiddled at my desk…until I finally looked at my computer but instead of it being a tat it was a picture of him. And the first thing that I noticed was that it was smiling at me and moving. And then it started waving. And then I noticed the kicker- there was a little picture of me in the corner also moving. Without realizing it I had accepted a video conference! I just froze, waved at him and then shut the window… now if I had a little preparation I would have been fine with a video conference, in fact it was really great to see him and we did have another one that night that was nice (though was really hard to say goodbye!) but I was not prepared for Mr. FB to see me especially when I rolled into work that morning beyond hung-over from Vegas, with my glasses on, no makeup and my hair not even brushed! So the moral of the story is this- be careful what you click for because you never know who may end up on your screen.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Worst Dressed in Vegas...

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Monday, April 20, 2009

“I’m not a princess this ain't a fairy tale…”

Slowly I’m starting to realize that some people just aren’t worth the effort and the pain… though the hard thing is to know who is worth it. This month is a big one for me. Its one year today that I broke up with Mr. Naked Bartender. Saturday will be the one year anniversary of him posting me naked on craigslist… and the following Sunday will be the one year since I first met Mr. Green. I’ve been looking back on all the changes in my life this last year, how far I’ve come, how many times I’ve fallen… I still have so many questions for Mr. NakedBartender that I will never get answered. I still love Mr. Green so much it hurts, and seeing how happy he is with his new girlfriend only makes it worse. Worse to know that it’s not me that he will be sweeping off his feet, but also to know I wasn’t the one who swept him off his. To know that I was not good enough, and will never be good enough for him. And yes I have checked out his FB profile and looked at their pictures from their road trip… some days like today it feels like nothing in a year has change. That I’m still that same girl. Still that hurt by these boys. Still occasionally cry in the shower (yes I did that this morning, yet again!). No matter how many steps I take forward it always seems like I’m stumbling back. I wonder if this hurt will ever go away… if I will ever be over Mr. Green. If I will be able to have that elusive magical relationship that has alluded me. If I will ever meet that guy that will love me as much as I love him… Yes I still talk to Mr. FB every day, I know it’s bad for me. And I know that I was supposed to cut all my ties when I left LA. But it’s hard to…and I know how toxic he is for me, I mean the boy couldn’t even make time to see me on my last week in LA even though we had been dating for 2 months! And yes he canceled on coming out here to see me a couple of weeks ago… but some days it’s just nice to know that I’m wanted… even if I know that it’s not real.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sleepless in Havasu

After returning from an amazing weekend with the girls in Vegas (decadent weekend including drinks, shopping, boys and fun!) I found that I not only was sick but worn down and exhausted… Sunday night I managed to pass out around 7 to only wake up at 8 so sick but ready for work. Though turns out work wasn’t ready for me, I was sent home at lunch for rest up…which was great. I got some sleep, caught up on some reading and was passed out by 9. Only to be woken up once again at midnight by the pitter patter of little furry feet. This damn mouse was back again! Now only were the humane traps useless, he managed to eat his way out of two of them! We set more traps today (now the non-humane death traps) and instead of getting caught the little sucker is playing with us, he moved them into the middle of the room without setting them off! It’s insane the ability of this mouse… so far we’ve found he loves my room and my shoe closet. Doesn’t go near my roommate’s room. And will only venture into the living room or kitchen if chased, but then crawls back to my room minutes later. No amount of duct tape will keep him out. Tonight we have more traps, after a visit from the exterminator who told us that yes it’s just the one mouse we have a battle plan. Armed with traps, 2 cats, a water gun, oranges and snickers we are bound to catch this mouse tonight! If not I’m going to pack a bag and let him take over the room!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools Squeek

Mr. Roomies cruel little practically joke on me that I found when I stumbled into bed last night after beer pong...

Life with Mickey!

Sunday night I cuddled up into bed in the new condo, exhausted from a fantastic weekend with Mr. Green’s Former Roommate and ready to finally have my bed to myself and get some much needed sleep. And after an evening in the hot tub with my new Mr. Roomie I was able to fall into a deep sleep… only to be woken up a couple hours later with a whooshing noise. Sounded like something was outside playing on the trees outside my window. Now at the point I think I should have looked out the window and realized that I didn’t have any trees. In fact I have a field on one side and Lake Havasu on the other, so there is nothing but dirt and water around me. At about 4 I hear jumping, and I thought oh it must be the squirrels playing. Was mildly annoyed as they played all night and at one point it even sounded like they were right in the room with me… until 6am when I turned over on bed and looked straight into the eyes of the field mouse that was cuddling on my pillow with me! Yes you read that right a mouse got in from the field and was not only on my bed but was trying to snuggle down with me. I screamed like a girl and ran straight into Mr. Roomies room to come and get it. Luckily we found out real quickly Mickey doesn’t like Mr. Roomie so it ran straight into the kitchen and hid under the fridge… about a half hour later when I realize we were not going to be able to coax him out, I set off for the gym with dreams of him just wondering out the doors we left open for him!

Sadly that was not the case. When we got home on Monday night we searched and searched but couldn’t locate him, until about midnight when we started hearing him clawing at the doors to get out…to which he started to play on my binds trying to get out my sliding glass door. As you can imagine I didn’t get any sleep. I layed in bed with my light on cowering just trying to catch the little sucker. Around 4 he once again trying to cuddle in bed with me… and once again I ran down the hall and woke up Mr. Roomie. Same story- Mickey saw Roomie and ran under the fridge DAMN, lost him again!!!!

The house is now set with humane traps, but I think we were able to chase him out of the apartment last night finally. I barricaded myself in my room (after Roomie checked under the bed and in the closets to make sure Mickey wasn’t hiding somewhere) and was able to get a bit of sleep. Not much though because I still slept with the lights on and woke up every 10 min when I heard any noise! Tonight I’m going to attempt to sleep with the lights off… wish me luck!