Saturday, October 25, 2008

Orgasms and Lattes.

After an exhausting weekend with work, a road trip to San Diego and a crazy date on Thursday night I managed to spend a pretty relaxing Friday night hanging out with Mr Ex. We both were tired and just wanted an early night, so ended up watching a movie and both falling asleep around 10… yes it was very exciting up here in Los Angeles! Now as Mr. Ex put it we both have gone around and around (and around) so many times it’s just comfortable between us now. And since we both prefer to have someone in our beds it’s normal for me to just stay the night up there after we watch movies. Both of us in our PJ’s with just a bit of cuddling but mostly just sleeping… which of course is fine by me, I’m not at the place to start up a new sexual relationship with someone, even if it is with an old sexual partner. I am not the kind of girl that would be ok having sex with someone on a Wednesday night and then again on Friday with someone else. Call me old fashioned, call me naïve, call me crazy (especially since certain people think it's normal to have sex with two different people in the same week, I just don’t)... Doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy myself a good cuddle and doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy the company of other men. After all I’m only human! Though it is a little unfair to Mr. Ex… because although he knows the score, that doesn’t stop him from trying on his Saturday mornings to change my mind. So far it hasn’t happened…. And yes this morning after have a very nice lie in, it was tempting. Because really what’s stopping me. But I guess there is a little voice in the back of my head going- this is not what you want. And that voice is loud enough for me to say no… at least for now.

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