Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Things that make you go Hmmmmm...

I don’t know if you’ve ever been in the middle of a conversation with a friend, when they say something that just gives you pause. Usually they not only don’t mean anything by it, but don’t even realize that they have said anything that would upset you… Today I was having just one of those conversations, when all of a sudden a friend said something that really just made me stop. Now I know he didn’t mean anything by it, and the fact of the matter is he probably didn’t even think about who he was talking to when he said it. And I just kind of went along and made a joke of the situation. But the problem is that once an idea is lodged in my head it’s really hard for me to shake it out. I won’t bore you with the details on the conversation, but I can say that it didn’t come as a shock… but what it did do is serve as a nice wake up call. Mind you this is the same wake up call that friends have been trying to drill into my head for the last couple of weeks but we all know I’m a little slow when it comes to matters of the heart (or of things down a little lower than that so-called-heart). So now the bigger question of the day is, now that I’ve taken my pause, what now? And maybe it’s unfair that I’m now judging Mr. Green, and seeing as he really can’t defend himself and has been honest about the situation from the beginning... And maybe our friend was just making a Petty comment to get under my skin… well if that’s the case, it did work…. But really I think I’m worth a lot more than half a comment and the can of worms that it opened up.

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