Saturday, July 12, 2008

Monkey jumping on my bed!

Over the years people have to come to know my currents and ex’s, almost as intimately as I have, through my blogs… they have their favorites, the ones they hate, the ones they root for (upon talking to my mother that Mr. Green seems to be sprinting ahead of the pack her response was: “But what about Mr. Disney”… didn’t even know she read my blogs!) and even the ones that they love to watch fail (as I found out on all the laughter of Mr. Arizona’s current predicament). And since more often than not I’m complaining about an ex, I thought I’d share the current ex that is amusing me the most- Mr. X, of course. Now he’s been in India for a week and a half, and as a joke I asked him to bring me back a monkey. In fact have told him that the only way that he will find his way back into my bedroom when he returns from India will be if he brings me that said monkey… and so last week the pictures of Monkeys began. And I have to say I get a smile on my face when once a day I get new pictures of monkey… so I thought I would share with you my favorite pictures so that maybe you too can have a smile on your face (the best is the one where you can see him also taking the picture on his I-phone and it looks like the monkey’s about to attack him!)Enjoy my monkeys!

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