Sunday, January 18, 2009

Played or Not Played... that is the question

Now the rest of my weekend went by in a lazy drunken blur… Spent Saturday night with Mr. My Harry. He had recently broken up with his one again off again girlfriend of 6 years so he finally remembered I existed. Now I know that I shouldn’t jump when he calls but of course I did and we went out for drinks last night. It was nice. We caught up, he got to hear all about my topsy turvy love life and I got to hear about him sticking his toe back into the dating world. But the nicest thing was that I was able to sit across from him and not have the feelings that I use to have. I have always thought that maybe one day we would be on the same page and make things work between us, but this time I realized that we actually were on the same page and friendship was what was working between us. And I was happy about. So much that today I met up with him again to watch the Steelers game with his guys.But in between the Cardinals game with my girls and the Steelers game with the boys I spoke to Mr. Uni. He was a little upset that I had gone out with Mr. FB and for the last two days had been asking me questions about it. And for two days they were unanswered, until I was drunk of course! On the way to the bar we finally were able to air both our grievances. Well really it was my grievances and him telling me how amazing I was. After all his bullshit about meeting someone else and was confused, it came down to the fact that he has just plain been scared. Scared of his feelings for me. Scared of where this was going. And scared that he was going nowhere in life. Now as much as it would be nice to believe all of that, because deep down aren’t most guys just afraid of commitment, I had to call bullshit on him. The fact of the matter is he still doesn’t know what he wants. I layed it all on the line, and the only thing he could say was he needed time and could I just wait. Sadly I had to answer no. I did tell him that if he can sort his life out soon than I am here… yea I know I’m a sucker. But I let him know that his window of opportunity is small… And that I would be out dating while he figures stuff out. And I know his “excuses” were just that an excuse. And that if he really wanted to be with me than he would… but at the same time I can’t rule out that maybe he really just is confused and will come around. So until then, I’m off to enjoy all that life has to offer. Mr. FB has been calling every day, and if feels nice to be chased for once. And last night I watched the sunset over the pacific, sitting outside in nothing but a little sundress ,with a margarita in my hands and the boys at my side… nothing short of perfection!

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