Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fake it till you make it!

Sometimes life’s Annoyances just really seem to get me down… And after two days of being aggravated (though the Vodka last night did help alleviate a bit of it!) I’m ready to just breathe and re-boot. Here are the top 3 things that have sent me off the edge in the last couple of days… though a close on their heels is my computer that shut down as soon as I had finished writing and deleted this, certain boys and timeframes, my belly that seems to be getting larger by the minute, that ice cream in the freezer that is just calling my name… ok yea there are a lot of things annoying me so on with the top ones!

Annoyance number 1: COPS
Ok now I may seem to be a hypocrite since I’m usually the first person to defend our men in uniform… but seriously some guys are out there just to be an ass. Yesterday morning while heading home from dropping off a friends daughter at school I volunteered to also drop off her nanny at the bus stop… her nanny mind you is a very short, small, Pilipino woman (this will become important later). Anyways just as we were about to pass the bus stop, she yells THAT’S IT THAT’S IT.. so I quickly put my right blinker on, checked over my shoulder, moved into the right lane and immediately turned. While she was getting out of the car a police office knocked on my window. My first thought was, ok this is a red zone but he can see I’m just dropping her off. He then proceeded to ask for my license and registration. At that point I was very confused, which I said to him. I had done nothing illegal so why was I getting a ticket! His actual response was, well ma’am you weren’t in the right lane long enough before you turned and next time you can cause an accident. WHAT?! I had plenty of time to look over, see that there were no other cars on the road, put on my blinker, and then change lanes and turned. At this point I didn’t want to argue too much with him, but definitely did inform him that I thought he was wrong… to which he said very slowly as if I’m an idiot- well ma’am obviously you have problems understanding things let me explain this to you a little clearer. And of course next to the car was the poor nanny freaking out saying- I’m so sorry, don’t give her a ticket, it was all my fault… and the cop just looked at her and yelled- BACK AWAY FROM THE VEHICLE MA’AM… all in all I wanted to just deck him, especially when he continued to yell at her! But I remained calm and informed him that I was looking forward to seeing him again when I fought him in court over this one.

Annoyance number 2: Underpaid Gym Managers
Now when I think of people working at gyms I often think of very perky happy people, after all, after all exercising gets you on endorphins, right?! Well obviously THOSE people do not work at my gym! And after my incident with the police all I wanted to do was hit my boot camp class and work off my aggressions! Turns out that since I have an out of state Drivers License that was not going to be possible… after the front desk attendant stood firm on her IDIOTIC ground I asked to see a manager. When I informed him that I’ve never had a problem before he actual told me that I need to point out the people that usually let me in with that license because he needs to write them up! ARE YOU KIDDING ME… after informing him what I thought of his gym and policy I quickly left the gym on my way to hike… and I have to say thank goodness the Tree People were a much nicer lot!

Annoyance number 3: California Unemployment Insurance
Ok so I called last week to extend my unemployment claim and was told to call back this week to follow up. And for two days I have been on a permanent state of hold and then hung up on MULTIPLY TIMES. And I understand that the reason they are extending people’s benefits is because there are so many unemployed right now, so really it would make sense for them to just hire more people to answer there phone systems! Seriously is it too much to ask that I can actually get a hold of someone about my check!!!

So there are my top three… lets hope the rest of the week goes a little smoother, especially since this afternoon will be spent dealing with getting my passport renewed!

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