Monday, August 4, 2008

Case and Point

About a half hour after posting my previous blog about feeling the need to censor myself I got a call from my mother. So with that last piece of “encouragement” I’ve decided to not air all of my laundry anymore and will have to go into a deep sense of censorship (ie get ready for really boring blogs)… She called to tell me that she didn’t think it was fair to Mr. Green that I was blogging about going on other dates. Now I was quick to point out to her BUT THAT’S WHAT HE WANTS… I gave him the option for us to be exclusive and he choose not to be. And yes I know that I should have walked away at that moment, but it’s only been a couple of weeks and I figured I’d give him some time to get to know the fantastic-ness that is me and change his mind. Because honestly, a month is too soon for anyone to want to commit to someone, even if that someone is as fabulous as me! And in the meantime yes I have gone out with a couple of gentleman… but to set the record straight I AM A SERIAL MONOGAMIST and no matter what, once I start into a sexual relation with someone they become the only guy that I am with. So the answer to the question on everyone’s mind, no Nicole is not sleeping, hooking up with, making out with anyone other than Mr. Green. My dates have been fairly innocent and friendly and although I would like him to think that I’m out there hanging from rafters and fear I am slipping away, that is simply not the case… Of course on the other hand I’m not saying I haven’t had the option to swing from those rafters, and although there have been some tempting offers, I unfortunately would just prefer to swing from them with him.

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