Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy. Me. Yay.

I’m going to start just by saying two simple words- I’m happy. Now those seem like easy words. And many of you are probably going, ok so what? But the thing is it’s been a really long time since I can honestly say I’m 100% happy (ok maybe only 90% but who’s counting!). After a really hard year it seems that things are finally getting back on track. I spent the summer sidetracked in a fantasy. I tried to hold on to something that was neither working nor what either of us really wanted because it was better to be living in a fantasy than have to deal with reality. And that summer fantasy rolled into fall in which reality can diving down on me (professional, personally and romantically). But I think it took that downfall to really wake me up to things in my life. Because sometimes when you look at all the things you don’t have you start to realize all the things that you do. .. and I began to realize for each thing on my list of what I thought my life would be like at 30 that I don’t have, there are at least 3 great surprises of things that I do have. Things that I couldn’t have imagined. And then all of a sudden like a snap things have started to get better. And then next thing you know I’m walking around with a smile on my face again. And I can’t really explain how it happened but this weekend it really just hit me. Happy. Me. YAY.

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