Well it seems that the stars have been misleading me… after having a very promising morning (I even rocked out to the theme song from Mannequin as I drove home) I arrived to find that overnight my hot water heater seems to have busted it’s pipes and was currently misting hot water through out my hallway, once again! Seriously I must have the worst luck of anyone that I’ve ever met… two hours and many many towels later the plumber finally showed up to turn of the heater and fix it. Making me late for my bikini wax and into a grumpy mood, also once again! And of course it took him a good hour to “fix” the problem to only find out that even though there are new pipes, it seemed that the gas couldn’t be turned back on to make the heater work! So finally it wasn’t leaking, but the only shower I was being offered was a very cold one!
During the insanity with the plumber I was told by someone that I was freaking out too much about the heater… but I have to say to once again come home to find that my living room had been flooded and that the water is once again pouring into my neighbor downstairs apartment I have to say that I was really not freaking out enough. Today I did kind of take a more Zen like approach, changed the towels, dealt with the plumber and basically just sat it out… and when it was finally over I was able to take a bath (my shower is still not working, but hey I can live with that for the moment!) and was able to head to my bikini waxer… to which I was once again reminded about my lack of romantic prospects. Now I go to my waxer every 3 weeks, and she is very much like family… so she of course asks how the dating is going and even asked if I’ve heard from Mr. NakedBartender at all… hey I’ve got to have something to talk about to take my mind off of getting my hair ripped out of my body! After her and I had a chuckle about how ill-fated all my romances tend to be, I left ready to start a new. Now I wish I could say I was going to be using my new wax job this weekend… but sadly the answer to that is no I will not be utilizing that new wax this weekend. But hey, still crossing my fingers that next time I go to visit her that maybe my answers will be a bit different!
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