As many of you know a couple years ago my mother was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. After her lumpectomy and finishing up with her radiation she wanted to show the world that she had kicked cancer, so they decided to participate in the Jimmy Fund Walking Boston Marathon. It’s 26 miles and follows the actual route of the Boston Marathon (including the killer Heartbreak Hill)… and now 3 years later my parents are once again competing in their 3rd Round of the Marathon. Last year I was lucky enough to walk with my father (After she had many complications with the first go of it my father walks it every year for her and she walks the part of it that she can) but this year I had to sit out the Marathon… so instead of being there I’m posting a blog that some of you might already have read (I’ve updated it a bit, but mainly it’s the same)… So here’s to my Mom who has shown me that Breast Cancer is not a Death Sentence, but sometimes can give you a new lease on life!
To my mom who taught me to truly love and what true compassion is.
To my mom who taught me to truly love and what true compassion is.
To my mom who showed me how to forgive even if I make the same mistakes over and over… often with the same men!
To my mom who has sacrificed everything so that I will not be without anything.
To my mom who has proven there are such things as soul mates and that they key to a long lasting relationship is the passion (though my dad has said its really the sex that keeps the relationship going!)
To my mom who took me to my first yoga class, sat thru endless amounts of Zip-i-dee-do-da, flew to New York for my NYU audition and forced me to go through with it, has seen numerous HORRIBLE plays just because I'm involved in them, and almost as many movies and TV shows just to see my name go across the screen.
To my mom who always believes in me even when I start to have doubts myself.
To my mom who has chastised me every time I have gone back to my numerous Ex's, but will always ask about them the next day and check in to make sure we are doing good… but who is always more than happy to ask about the boys who she actually does approve of (or should I say boy, since there has only been one she actually has liked!)
To my mom who has shown me that blondes really do have move fun!
To my mom who when I came home from spending a night in a cop car, didn't yell but just gave me a hug, told me to take a bubble bath, get some sleep, and we would talk about it in the morning.
To my mom who has taken me all over the world and yet has made me realize that the best place to be is always home.
To my mom who is my best friend, my confidante, my sister, my mentor, my conscious, my coach, my teacher and my mother.
To my mom who is the only person I have every known to be truly happy. When I asked her a few years back if she could live anywhere where would she want to live, she said- Well I like Phoenix And then I said how about a car, if you could drive any car what would it be? To which she replied- Well I like our jeep Anyone else you asked would have named cities around the world and cars that they have only dreamed of, but none would have been able to say that they were truly happy with their life as it was.
My mom has truly led a remarkable life, but most importantly she has taught me to value the life that I have and never take it for granted. One in Eight women will get breast cancer, and in fact every 13 minutes a woman dies from it. So as a woman make sure you get checked, ask questions, pay attention, make sure you know your breasts (as a guy you can do your part and get to know your wife/girlfriend/fiancés breasts… trust me if can be the fun part of your job!) and most importantly don’t take anyone in your life for granted… because if you look around one of those women in your life might not be around when you need them!
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