Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I’ve worked with every level star from minor starting to out to AAA Stars such as Brad Pitt and Jennifer Lopez. And I’ve dealt with odd food request (I even had to ship out certain pickles and diet red bull to the Bahamas every week). But I have to say I got a food request that made me pause. It was from one of our producers who although has two assistants with him has decided it’s the productions responsibility to make sure he has all the food he wants in his hotel room.

Here is his list of what has to be in his room prior to his arrival:

Bottled Water (lot's of it)
Balance Bars (Chocolate only)
Vitamin Water (XXX flavor only)
English Breakfast Tea (any brand)
Yellow Splenda packets
Grape Fruit
Carr's table table crackers
Cheddar cheese (mild)
Grape Juice (regular, not white)
Dark Chocolate

Now if we were shooting in Los Angeles with an unlimited budget I wouldn’t think this was as odd. But we are in Lake Havasu. On a film that is already millions over budget. That is trying to cut costs at every turn. I have a production office that is run ragged, that is one person short, and have been left with a week where I can barely breathe with all the craziness. And XXX Vitamin water, really?!

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