First I need to apologize for almost a month of not writing. Things have been insanely crazy here, and I will wrap them all up into a neat bow later but I figured you would be more interested in the new Mr. in my life… Mr. Piranha. A couple of weeks ago one of my favorite people in the world came to visit and with her she brought Mr. Piranha. Now Mr. P and I have known each other for awhile, we have mutual really good friends but for whatever reason we’ve only met maybe twice. Know all about each other, have been facebook friends for awhile, but haven’t hung out much. When she said she was bringing him up, I thought great Mr. P is a lot of fun. I have never had any romantic interest in him before, for one he is exactly my height and you may recall that I have a borderline obsession with very high very expensive heels, so on most days I would be taller than him. He’s also what many would call a nice guy, and we know I don’t date those. So looking for no romance at all we set out to have a fun weekend. Turns out we got along great and I did find out the one thing that I hadn’t noticed in him before- the most amazingly ripped body. Ex-marine, currently on hiatus from his job as a writers assistant on a hit comedy as well as training to climb Mount Whitney has left him in perfect shape… but even with that amazing body I still didn’t have much romantic interest (mind you I did do my share of drooling though!). But after a weekend of drinking and flirtation we had a moment when I thought, wait what’s going on. But brushed it off as they left a few days later… and that’s where the story should have ended. But of course, it didn’t! We needed another production assistant for a couple of weeks, and knowing he was out of work until his show was back shooting I invited him out here. The first night he was here I knew I was in trouble, the second night most definitely was in trouble after he kissed me out of the blue, and after the third night I was no longer in trouble but had Mr. Piranha in my bed.
Now we’ve spent the last 2 weeks inseparable. Working crazy 13 hour days together, coming home to amazing sex, partying with friends of mine that were in town and basically just not being able to get enough of each other… and things for once were running very smoothly. No drama. No craziness. Nothing but fun… until Friday happened. Now there were some events leading up to Friday but found out at the end of the day that my job was being made obsolete. So here I was after 3 months in Havasu suddenly without a job. And this fun thing that I had going with Mr. Piranha was all of a sudden made much bigger. He had been planning a weekend out here soon (he’s leaving this weekend to go back to work) and it was nice to think of maybe something happening when I get back to LA in a couple months. But then all of a sudden it wasn’t in a few months it was oh wait looks like I’m coming back with you now too!!! And of course he had a little freak out on Sunday. His words. And he seems to be back to his amazing self. Even cooked me the most amazing dinner on Monday to make up for it. He really is a fantastic guy. We get along great, he makes me laugh, we actually have a lot in common, have so much fun together. And if we met in Los Angeles I would say here is the happy ever after…but the fact of the matter is that although we originally met in LA, we didn’t really meet until Havasu. And sadly I’m afraid that when we go back the magic that we’ve had surrounding us these last couple of weeks will become just that, magic and disappear into the lake. I really hope not, and for now I’m just taking it one day at a time…
Now we’ve spent the last 2 weeks inseparable. Working crazy 13 hour days together, coming home to amazing sex, partying with friends of mine that were in town and basically just not being able to get enough of each other… and things for once were running very smoothly. No drama. No craziness. Nothing but fun… until Friday happened. Now there were some events leading up to Friday but found out at the end of the day that my job was being made obsolete. So here I was after 3 months in Havasu suddenly without a job. And this fun thing that I had going with Mr. Piranha was all of a sudden made much bigger. He had been planning a weekend out here soon (he’s leaving this weekend to go back to work) and it was nice to think of maybe something happening when I get back to LA in a couple months. But then all of a sudden it wasn’t in a few months it was oh wait looks like I’m coming back with you now too!!! And of course he had a little freak out on Sunday. His words. And he seems to be back to his amazing self. Even cooked me the most amazing dinner on Monday to make up for it. He really is a fantastic guy. We get along great, he makes me laugh, we actually have a lot in common, have so much fun together. And if we met in Los Angeles I would say here is the happy ever after…but the fact of the matter is that although we originally met in LA, we didn’t really meet until Havasu. And sadly I’m afraid that when we go back the magic that we’ve had surrounding us these last couple of weeks will become just that, magic and disappear into the lake. I really hope not, and for now I’m just taking it one day at a time…
Think positive! The magic may just be beginning. :-) Just don't go into your head and overthink it too much.